Monday, July 5, 2010

Photo review of HG 1/144 Tieren Space Type

Another one of the 'discount' models, I got this one from HLJ. Its got pretty decent articulation and plenty of verniers for thruster fans. The only major 'glitch' in this model is the couple of 'phallic symbols' on its legs... They can be quite the eyesore and definitely make the Space type look pretty weird while its standing on its feet. Check out the following shots to see what I mean...

Size and accessories:
The Tieren stands bigger than the Exia but just barely... compared to Mr Bushido's Ahead however, it does come out short...
Accessories-wise, it come with the 'capture weapons' which you've probably seen at work in the episode where the Tierens take on Virtue and Kyrios. The bummer is that the orange stickers are given for the 'side parts of the Tieren, but once you add the grapple hook system, the orange in hidden, and while this part too is supposed to be orange, there's no sticker for it, so its grey on that side :-| Speaking of stickers, the orange one that goes around the gun on the machine gun on the right hand side just refuses to stay on the machine gun and keeps peeling off.
Aside from that, it comes with the space version of the smooth bore gun, the capture weapons, one for the hand and the other from under the 'underarm' machine gun, the grapple hook (which has a wire part... good luck trying to get it straight if it gets any kinks), an extra hand and of course, the carbon blade (which actually does not have a place on the tieren to store it! ... or at least I couldn't find it )

Action poses
Within a few minutes, you'll realise that while the Tieren is pretty stable on its feet and easy to stand, it looks pretty stupid just standing there... Its the space type so make sure you have an action base ready to make it look good. Once 'airborne', the model has a dynamism of its own which may not appeal to all, but the huge bulky mech can be made to look quite sleek and menacing at the same time, check out images 5 and 6 here to see what I'm talking about. You can load up pretty much every weapon it has on the Tieren, except of course, the optional hand! I'm planning to paint this model, but the weather right now is not playing along, so I gotta wait I guess.


Unknown said...

Hey there, I am kinda new to this gunpla thing. No place in India to get my hands on any. But recently using eBay I have managed to get around 4 models. Would be glad if we can share some resources. Do reply, a fellow gundam fan.

Unknown said...

And one more question. Does work well in India?